Whatever may be your business interest, it needs genius marketing strategies to make it successful. The online business too needs the same strategy with much more concentration as internet is the catching up in Qatar. Your company needs to adopt compelling online marketing strategies to promote your business online and to attract more eyeballs.
Argus Offering?
Argus can boast of this venture as pioneer company to provide Websites, SEO, and SEM solution in Qatar with highly talented technical team who enables and monitors website activities at all time. Argus enables its client’s idea to put into practice with professional impressions across all online media.
What is Search Engine Optimization [SEO]?
SEO helps visitors find their website using the targeted keywords and phrases that best describe your business products and services
Search Engine Marketing & Sponsored link [SEM]
Common terms
Advertising campaign is designed to help you to achieve your search engine marketing (SEM) objectives. It’s a prepaid service where Paid Amount get deducted when click occurs on link.
Link Popularity
Link popularity increases the popularity of the website, search engine consider link popularity for website ranking. It’s based on the Public Relation *PR+ activities happens on World Wide Web.
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing plays an active role by distribution of your content and message related to your business through the social web and some form of viral marketing.
Viral Marketing
Viral marketing (word-of-mouth marketing) is a really cool thing. Just think about it... instead of spending an insane amount of money on newspapers ads, TV commercials or banner ads, you spent nothing - and let your fans do all the work for you.
Number of time each page load to give you a view of that page.
An advertisement's appearance on an accessed Web page. For example, if the page you're on shows three ads, that's three impressions. Advertisers use impressions to measure the number of views their ads receive, and publishers often sell ad space according to impressions. (It can be tough to know, though, whether an impression really means a visitor saw the ad, since they could be browsing without graphics or might not have scrolled down far enough.) Impressions are tracked in a log maintained by a site server and are often sold on a cost per hundred basis
Landing pages: Instead taking a visitor from the search result link to your website, searcher will directly land in a page of relevance what he is looking for.
What matters most in Search Engine?
1. Which websites link to you
2. Number of websites linking to you
3. Google Page Rank (PR) of the website linking to you
4. Anchor text used in the link linking to you
5. Number & type of links linking to the website links to you
6. Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as authority website
Why Argus technologies?
Because of the extensive research, development and execution experience by creating search engine friendly website and content management systems, backed by an excellent off shore research team capable of analyzing global internet ideas & trends.
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